CrankTorqueFrequencySensor Class

The crank torque frequency sensor class.


Namespace: SmallEarthTech.AntPlus.DeviceProfiles.BicyclePower
Assembly: SmallEarthTech.AntPlus (in SmallEarthTech.AntPlus.dll) Version:
public class CrankTorqueFrequencySensor : BicyclePower
Object    ObservableObject    AntDevice    BicyclePower    CrankTorqueFrequencySensor


Bicycle Power sensors fall into two main categories - StandardPowerSensor and CrankTorqueFrequencySensor.

Standard power sensors may support TorqueSensor in addition to the power only profile. The property TorqueSensor is set when a StandardCrankTorqueSensor or StandardWheelTorqueSensor message is received.

The CrankTorqueFrequencySensor class is somewhat unique among bicycle power sensors. It provides limited commonality and functionality compared to StandardPowerSensors.


CrankTorqueFrequencySensor(ChannelId, IAntChannel, ILoggerCrankTorqueFrequencySensor, TimeoutOptions)Initializes a new instance of the CrankTorqueFrequencySensor class.
CrankTorqueFrequencySensor(ChannelId, IAntChannel, ILoggerCrankTorqueFrequencySensor, Int32)Initializes a new instance of the CrankTorqueFrequencySensor class.


CadenceGets the cadence in revolutions per minute.
CalibrationStatusThe calibration operation status common to all bicycle power sensors.
(Inherited from BicyclePower)
ChannelCountThis is a multiple of the base transmission frequency. All derived classes must implement this property. See the master Channel Period specified in the specific ANT device specification for the count value.
(Inherited from BicyclePower)
ChannelIdGets the channel identifier.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
DeviceImageStreamGets the device image stream from the embedded resource image associated with the derived device class.
(Overrides AntDeviceDeviceImageStream)
OfflineGets a value indicating whether this AntDevice is offline.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
OffsetGets the zero offset in Hz.
PowerGets the power in watts.
SlopeGets the slope. Slope ranges in value from 10.0Nm/Hz to 50.0Nm/Hz. Resolution is 0.1 Nm/Hz.
TorqueGets the torque in Nm.


DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Parse Parses the specified data page.
(Overrides AntDeviceParse(Byte))
RequestDataPageTRequests the data page.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
RequestManualCalibrationRequests manual calibration.
(Inherited from BicyclePower)
SaveSerialNumberToFlashSaves the serial number to flash.
SaveSlopeToFlashSaves the slope to flash.
SendExtAcknowledgedMessageSends an acknowledged message to the ANT device.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides AntDeviceToString)


DeviceWentOfflineOccurs when no messages have been received from the device within the specified timeout duration.
(Inherited from AntDevice)


_loggerThe logger for derived classes to use.
(Inherited from AntDevice)

See Also