HeartRate Class

The HeartRate class provides full support for ANT+ heart rate monitors. This profile is specified in the document ANT+ Managed Network Document – ANT+ Heart Rate Device Profile, Rev 2.5, © 2006-2022 Garmin Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Namespace: SmallEarthTech.AntPlus.DeviceProfiles
Assembly: SmallEarthTech.AntPlus (in SmallEarthTech.AntPlus.dll) Version:
public class HeartRate : AntDevice
Object    ObservableObject    AntDevice    HeartRate


Due to the ubiquity of heart rate monitors and manufacturers, several problems present themselves with regard to this specification. This primarily relates to group workout environments (clubs). These issues do not exist for individual workout environments (homes). Because of the limitations posed by the channel ID it is a distinct possibility that different HRM's will have the same channel ID. 1. There is no guarantee the channel ID is unique to a specific device. 2. There is no guarantee the background page sent is unique to a specific device. 3. RequestCapabilities will be broadcast to all devices with the same channel ID. You may receive multiple contradictory replies. 4. SetSportMode will be broadcast to all devices with the same channel ID. This is not an issue if the invocation is local to the group involved. Keep these caveats in mind when designing your application. Applications designed for group environments may choose to only attach to the manufacturer event and ignore other background pages.


HeartRate(ChannelId, IAntChannel, ILoggerHeartRate, TimeoutOptions)Initializes a new instance of the HeartRate class.
HeartRate(ChannelId, IAntChannel, ILoggerHeartRate, Int32)Initializes a new instance of the HeartRate class.


BatteryStatusGets the battery status.
CapabilitiesGets the heart rate monitor capabilities.
ChannelCountThis is a multiple of the base transmission frequency. All derived classes must implement this property. See the master Channel Period specified in the specific ANT device specification for the count value.
(Overrides AntDeviceChannelCount)
ChannelIdGets the channel identifier.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
CumulativeOperatingTimeGets the cumulative operating time.
DeviceImageStreamGets the device image stream from the embedded resource image associated with the derived device class.
(Overrides AntDeviceDeviceImageStream)
EventTypeGets the type of the heart beat event.
HeartRateDataGets the heart rate data.
ManufacturerInfoGets the manufacturer information.
ManufacturerSpecificGets the manufacturer specific data.
OfflineGets a value indicating whether this AntDevice is offline.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
PreviousHeartBeatGets the previous heart beat data.
ProductInfoGets the product information.
SwimIntervalGets the swim interval data.


DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ParseParses the specified data page.
(Overrides AntDeviceParse(Byte))
RequestDataPageTRequests the data page.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
SendExtAcknowledgedMessageSends an acknowledged message to the ANT device.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
SetHRFeature Updates the heart rate sensor feature. The HR Feature command page is sent from a display to a heart rate monitor when the display wants to update the enabled status of a HR feature.
SetSportMode Sets the sport mode.
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from AntDevice)


DeviceWentOfflineOccurs when no messages have been received from the device within the specified timeout duration.
(Inherited from AntDevice)


_loggerThe logger for derived classes to use.
(Inherited from AntDevice)
DeviceClass The device type value transmitted in the channel ID.

See Also