AntChannel Class

This class implements the IAntChannel interface.


Namespace: SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick
Assembly: SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick (in SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick.dll) Version:
public class AntChannel : IAntChannel, IDisposable
Object    AntChannel
IAntChannel, IDisposable


ChannelNumberGets the channel number.


AssignChannel Assign an ANT channel along with its main parameters. Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
AssignChannelExt Assign an ANT channel, using extended channel assignment Throws exception if the network number is invalid.
CloseChannel Close this channel
ConfigFrequencyAgility This function configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode and should be used with the AdvFrequencyAgility extended channel assignment flag. Should not be used with shared, or Tx/Rx only channel types. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.
DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
IncludeExcludeListAddChannel Add the given channel ID to the channel's inclusion/exclusion list. The channelID is then included or excluded from the wild card search depending on how the list is configured. Throws exception if listIndex > 3.
IncludeExcludeListConfigure Configures the inclusion/exclusion list. If isExclusionList is true the channel IDs will be excluded from any wild card search on this channel. Otherwise the IDs are the only IDs accepted in the search. Throws exception if list size is greater than 4.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OpenChannel Opens this channel
RequestChannelIDRequests the channel identifier.
RequestStatus Returns current channel status. Throws exception on timeout.
SendAcknowledgedData Sends the given data as an acknowledged transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendAcknowledgedDataAsync Sends the given data as an acknowledged transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendBroadcastData Sends the given data on the broadcast transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendBurstTransfer Sends the given data as a burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
SendBurstTransferAsync Sends the given data as a burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
SendExtAcknowledgedDataSends the given data as an extended acknowledged transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendExtAcknowledgedDataAsyncSends the given data as an extended acknowledged transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendExtBroadcastDataSends the given data as an extended broadcast transmission. Throws exception if data > 8-bytes in length
SendExtBurstTransferSends the given data as an extended burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
SendExtBurstTransferAsyncSends the given data as an extended burst transmission. Returns: 0=fail, 1=pass, 2=timeout, 3=cancelled
SetChannelFreq Set this channel's RF frequency, with the given offset from 2400Mhz. Note: Changing this frequency may affect the ability to certify the product in certain areas of the world.
SetChannelIDSet the Channel ID of this channel. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
SetChannelID_UsingSerial Identical to setChannelID, except last two bytes of serial number are used for device number. Not available on all ANT devices. Throws exception if device type is > 127.
SetChannelPeriod Set this channel's messaging period
SetChannelSearchTimeout Set the search timeout
SetChannelTransmitPower Set the transmission power of this channel Throws exception if device is not capable of per-channel transmit power.
SetLowPrioritySearchTimeout Sets the search timeout for the channel's low-priority search, where it will not interrupt other open channels. When this period expires the channel will drop to high-priority search. This feature is not available in all ANT devices.
SetProximitySearch Enables a one time proximity requirement for searching. Only ANT devices within the set proximity bin can be acquired. Search threshold values are not correlated to specific distances as this will be dependent on the system design. This feature is not available on all ANT devices. Throws exception if given bin value is > 10.
SetSearchThresholdRSSI Set this channel's RSSI threshold (ARCT)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
UnassignChannel Unassign this channel.


ChannelResponse The channel response event. Triggered every time a message is received from the ANT device.

See Also