AntRadioGetDeviceCapabilities Method

Gets the device capabilities of the ANT radio.


Namespace: SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick
Assembly: SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick (in SmallEarthTech.AntUsbStick.dll) Version:
public Task<DeviceCapabilities> GetDeviceCapabilities(
	bool forceNewCopy = false,
	uint responseWaitTime = 1500


forceNewCopy  Boolean  (Optional)
If set to true force new copy. The default is false.
responseWaitTime  UInt32  (Optional)
The response wait time in milliseconds. The default is 1500ms.

Return Value

A task encapsulating the DeviceCapabilities


IAntRadioGetDeviceCapabilities(Boolean, UInt32)


Default arguments are provided by the method interface and are inherited by concrete implementations of IAntRadio. It is unlikely the default arguments need to be overridden. Typically a copy of the DeviceCapabilities is maintained in the concrete implementation of the ANT radio and the response wait time only needs to be overridden if there a large latencies getting the response. Use a named argument if you only need to specify a different response wait time - e.g. GetDeviceCapabilities(responseWaitTime: 2000).

See Also