IAntChannelConfigFrequencyAgility Method

This function configures the three operating RF frequencies for ANT frequency agility mode and should be used with the AdvFrequencyAgility extended channel assignment flag. Should not be used with shared, or Tx/Rx only channel types. This feature is not available on all ANT devices.


Namespace: SmallEarthTech.AntRadioInterface
Assembly: SmallEarthTech.AntRadioInterface (in SmallEarthTech.AntRadioInterface.dll) Version:
bool ConfigFrequencyAgility(
	byte freq1,
	byte freq2,
	byte freq3,
	uint responseWaitTime


freq1  Byte
Operating RF frequency 1
freq2  Byte
Operating RF frequency 2
freq3  Byte
Operating RF frequency 3
responseWaitTime  UInt32
Time to wait for device success response

Return Value

True on success. Note: Always returns true with a response time of 0

See Also