DeviceCapabilities Properties


AdvancedBurstGets a value indicating whether advanced burst is supported.
ANTFS_SupportGets a value indicating whether this DeviceCapabilities is ANTFS supported.
EventBufferingGets a value indicating whether event buffering is supported.
EventFilteringGets a value indicating whether event filtering is supported.
ExtendedChannelAssignmentGets a value indicating whether extended channel assignment is supported.
ExtendedMessagingGets a value indicating whether extended messaging is supported.
FITSupportGets a value indicating whether this DeviceCapabilities is FIT file compatible.
HighDutySearchGets a value indicating whether high duty search is supported.
LowPrioritySearchGets a value indicating whether low priority search is supported.
MaxANTChannels Number of channels available.
MaxDataChannels Number of SensRcore data channels available
MaxNetworks Number of simultaneous networks allowed
NoAckMessagesGets a value indicating whether [no ack messages].
NoBurstMessagesGets a value indicating whether [no burst messages].
NoReceiveChannelsGets a value indicating whether [no receive channels].
NoReceiveMessagesGets a value indicating whether [no receive messages].
NoTransmitChannelsGets a value indicating whether [no transmit channels].
NoTransmitMessagesGets a value indicating whether [no transmit messages].
OnboardLEDGets a value indicating whether onboard led is supported.
PerChannelTransmitPowerGets a value indicating whether per channel transmit power is supported.
PrivateNetworksGets a value indicating whether private networks are supported.
ProximitySearchGets a value indicating whether proximity search is supported.
ScanModeSupportGets a value indicating whether scan mode supported.
ScriptSupportGets a value indicating whether script is supported.
SearchListGets a value indicating whether search list is supported.
SearchSharingGets a value indicating whether search sharing is supported.
SelectiveDataUpdateGets a value indicating whether selective data update is supported.
SerialNumberGets a value indicating whether serial number is supported.
SingleChannelEncryptionGets a value indicating whether single channel encryption is supported.

See Also